When you walk into a crowded room; you need to exude charm and charisma. You need to own the room with your mysterious power and personal magnetism. People will be drawn to you if you are confident.
There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, so don’t confuse the two.
Confidence - is the belief in yourself and your abilities.
Arrogance - is thinking that you are better than everyone, when in actual fact is a cover-up for insecurities. It’s an overbearing pride and display of superiority.
Traits that exude confidence:
Be captivating with your dress – first impressions last and looking good is feeling good, as is feeling good, looking good.
Walk tall – have a good posture, do not walk with lethargic movements, and walk with a fast pace, with your chin up.
Consider yourself important – “We teach people how to treat us” Phillip C. McGraw.
Have a sense of humour – the ability to laugh at yourself and some of life’s situations will make you a more likable person, it’s good for you and good for other people to see that you don’t take yourself too seriously.
Consider others – when people know that you are genuinely interested in their opinions and their insights, they will respect you more.
Have a positive attitude.
Be approachable – be friendly towards people, have a smile on your face.
Be comfortable in your own skin – If you are comfortable with yourself, others will see it. If there are areas in your life that need improvement, work on improving it, whether it is mentally, emotionally or physically. The trick is to be the best you can be. Love yourself no matter the flaws.
Don’t compare yourself to others – no one is perfect, just be you.
Make eye contact when speaking to people- no one trusts shifty eyes.
Get over your fears – conquer them, by facing them.
Focus on the positives and work on improving the negatives, focus on your achievements and not your failures.
Don’t be afraid of being judged.
Workout – physical fitness has a huge impact on our self-confidence. Getting active will improve your physical appearance and energy levels. Exercise can decrease our stress hormones like cortisol and increase endorphins – the body’s feel good chemical.
Speak well – when you talk to people, project your voice strongly, speak in an assured tone, and sound lively and enthusiastic.
So go out there and strut your stuff!