


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Italy - Naples, Capri

As the sun rises and the ship sails, Italy is ready to welcome us.       
I look forward to the breakfast on board the ship! Who am I kidding? I just love the food on the ship period. With so many choices to choose from, I just love visiting the buffet anytime of the day. Breakfast, lunch, supper and the in-between's.

With a whopping 29 degrees celsius, Darren and I made sure we wore our sun screen lotion and got ready to meet our Italian tour guides.

The men in Italy are Y U M M Y, not as yummy as my Darren though, he is still my favourite :-)
Italian fashion is not for the small pocket, I'm so excited I found this gorgeous jacket which happened to be on sale and Darren bought a few Italian shirts, top class stuff! I wish I could afford to go on a shopping splurge. So grateful for everything though. I must admit, buying new clothing is the best therapy, even if it was just one jacket.

We found a fantastic restaurant hidden in an alley, where all the locals eat. They served the best pizza we had ever tasted! I certainly agree that Naples' greatest contribution to mankind is their pizza. I bet you would agree, after sinking your teeth into a slice.

Capri is a true gem, with sweeping vilas, lively cafes and blooming gardens. Darren and I took a cable car up the mountain and enjoyed the aerial view of the beautiful Island of Capri, while sipping on lemonade.

Darren and I as we arrived in Capri
Me getting on the cable car
On the cable car heading up the mountain
View from the cable car
On top of the mountain
Darren and I with a spectacular view behind us
Darren getting his 'Island' on :-)
Sipping on the best lemonade

"A famous couple on the Island" Okay maybe one day, you never know!

Spectacular view of the Island
Darren on the cable car on our way down from the mountain top

We had such a wonderful day.

It was time to return to the ship, which had become our new part time home. We looked forward to dinner in the main Dining room and a night of relaxation.

Next: Rome

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The French Riviera - Nice, Monaco

The French Riviera - The Fabled Playground of the Rich and Famous
Darren and I were both ready for another day of exploring the French Country. Docked in VilleFranche-Sante, we were excited about the sightseeing, shopping and experiencing tasting the local French food & drinking delicious cappuccinos.

The French Riviera has long been a posh destination for celebrities and socialites. This sun-drenched stretch of Mediterranean coastline, the tranquil setting and stylish resorts and towns. Cannes is the site of the Cannes Film Festival, the most famous of all the festivals that draw in the jet-setters to its plush hotels, couture boutiques and happening cafes along La Croisette. Nice is the largest city, with its lavish villas, broad boulevards and sweeping coastal views. Monaco is home to the elaborate casino of Monte Carlo, and to the palace where Princess Grace Kelly once lived.

Monaco Cathedral

Monaco Cathedral

Traffic in Nice - was like being back home in Johannesburg South Africa. So glad I wasn't the one driving, it did however give us a chance to experience the city's beauty.
We stopped at the Fragonard Perfumery, the modern, working factory on the outskirts of town, where we learnt how soap and perfume is made. After the experience, we were able to purchase a perfume of our choice. Darren spoilt me with a bottle of Emilie.

The Fragonard Perfumery

Monaco was breath taking, a real historical memorable moment. Such a tiny piece of land and the 2nd richest (the Vatican being the 1st) famous for its casino and two car races, the Monte Carlo Rally and the Monaco Grand Prix. The people living in Monaco don't pay income tax. The head of state being Prince Albert II, the government and the prince share power.

I kept whispering to Darren "it’s SO beautiful" all the yachts, only the best cars, Maserati and Porche etc. Designer clothing stores such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton. People living in Monaco have serious money! We walked past the casino, but didn't go inside; we decided to check out Prince Albert and Charlene's palace instead.

Institut Oceanographique - Fondation Albert ler, Prince de Monaco

Monaco Palace, home to Prince Albert and Charlene
Monaco Palace


Another busy day - the French Riviera is definitely for the rich and famous, but it was great to explore and it was amazingly beautiful.
Back to the ship to have dinner in the main dining room, sailing while having dinner and looking at the sea, with nothing but the moonlight shining upon it, is one of the most gorgeous things I've ever seen. Definitely something we don't get to experience every day. We are so blessed to have experienced all this.
This has been a revelation of the true European lifestyle.
We went to bed that night and switched off the lights and fell asleep while we sailed the Mediterranean ocean

Next - Italy